Monday, January 21, 2008

Rolling your own... #12

Here's one of the Rollyo searches I created.

Of course, I couldn't hardly figure out what I wanted to create a search for. However, I had done so extensive research a while back on one of my sports injuries, so I created on about that. I also created one about digital photography. I must admit I haven't done a greata deal of searching about digital photography, but I'd like to. So, I found some sites that I liked and created one!


LKP said...

I totally understand! When I was playing with Rollyo my biggest stumbling block was WHAT do I want to do a search on! Finally I just decided to do one on my dogs, that was the easiest things I could think of. I liked photography one :).

Jennifer said...

Okay... I'm having trouble with this one. I guess I just need to sit down with it and play. Where is the TIME?????

Fuel the Brain