Sunday, January 20, 2008

Library Things #11

Wow! Cool! I really enjoyed learning about and joining Library Thing. I have posted 8 books already and could keep going, but I have a kitchen to clean! My only problem was trying to figure out how to put a link on my blog. It shouldn't be a big thing (at least that is what I am led to believe), but I don't know where to paste the HTML code into the blog. Hopefully, someone can help me! I do think this will be lots of fun!

I have joined a group already and am looking into a few others. I have joined the historical fiction group (even though I haven't posted a single historical fiction).


VWB said...

sign into your blog...go to the template tab and go to the column where you have page a page element...for this particular item, I believe you will want to select the html/java page element.

Someone who has actually attached the Library Thing can tell you for sure, but I think the above will work.

LibraryInk said...

vwb is right about where you can put the html in your blog. LibraryThing makes it pretty easy for you to get the code.

If you're logged into LibraryThing, go to 'Your Profile' then click on the link on the right-hand side that says 'Put your library on your blog.' From there, you have lots of fun options for the style of adding your books.

LibraryThing blog tool

Fuel the Brain