Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Web 2.0 Awards - #19

OK. I have to leave right now, but I had to add this to my blog! This is a fun game!

Free Online Games brought to you by Arcaplay

I'm back! How about this one?
This one would even be good for the classroom! Categorization skills!

I like wetpaint! I could see a personal use for this! I wouldn't want to use a wide open wiki in the classrooom.

The mapping ones have merit; however, we would need to be careful with our students! I'm not going to comment on the ones we've used or are going to "play" with like Ning! I can hardly wait.

Swivel looks interesting. I am going to give the information about the professional networking sites to my son who is graudating from college and needs a job!

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